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Fall ORC Week 2 - Wallpaper

Well week two is upon us and surprise, surprise i haven't made very much progress. I was able to get some of the smaller details figured out though. New hardware ordered, paint colors finalized and now i just need to decide on the wallpaper or wallpaper mural for the main wall and then get going on it!

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Fall ORC: Luxe Laundry Room Week 1

Confession... I am a habitual ORC "signer-upper". I think I have signed up to do the One Room Challenge at least a half dozen times at this point, but this will be my very first (REAL) One Room Challenge, and I have chosen to give my boring "YAWNdry Room" a major makeover! 

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Top 5 Q&A: Upholstery Fabrics 101

Upholstery fabrics are specifically designed to be used for furniture upholstery, providing durability, strength, and aesthetic appeal. Over the last little while I’ve been keeping track of the TOP FIVE questions I get asked about UPHOLSTERY FABRICS and without further ado, here they are…

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Beginners Guide to My TOP 10 Upholstery Tools

If you're just starting out with upholstery, there are several essential tools that you will want to start collecting or have access to. I always suggest to shop your own garage first, because many of the items on this list you might already have on hand.

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Top 5 Favorite Power Tools

I've noticed a pattern developing lately... whenever I share about a DIY or Craft Project or even just something I'm working on in my house, I often get asked the question, "what are your favorite power tools?" Which for me is always a hard question to answer because it really depends on what I'm working on.... or does it? 

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Sneaky Steals: Organization Edition

Did you know that you can order BULK items from the DOLLAR TREE Website? I didn't know that was even an option till a few years ago. After multiple trips to my local store, (trying to find more of one of my favorite storage solutions,) the cute gal at checkout asked me if I found everything that I was looking for? I, of course had to answer with a sarcastic No, and showed her the boxes I was after. She smiled and said that they always sell out quick but explained that I could order them in bulk on their website. Pretty sure my eyes got so big at learning that information that she could see inside my skull. As soon as I got home I did a deep dive on their website and placed an order that day! This might have been a risky thing for a craft supply hoarder like my self to find out, but oh boy did it help me get my craft supplies organized fast and cheap!

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Upholstery 101 - Intro, History & More

The technical description of Upholstery is - the process of covering furniture or other items with fabric, leather, or other materials to provide a new look, added comfort, or to repair or restore the item.

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Wall Mural Migraine & Major Pivot

There's nothing quite as empowering as walking out of the hardware store with your hands full of tiny pots of paint. For a brief moment you feel like anything is possible and there's this warm glow that gives you the feeling that once you screw off the lid and put paintbrush to the wall that it's going to turn out magnificent. Spoiler Alert: the paint pods are liars. 

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WBC Feature: Mandi from Vintage Revivals

Whenever my phone buzzes and I see that I have a text from Mandi at Vintage Revivals I know that something crazy and innovative is about to be added to my schedule and that I will jump at whatever it is that she is about to ask. So in the fall of 2019 Mandi texted me and asked if I was interested in helping her build a couch, (which if you know me at all,) the answer was an immediate YES!

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