Did you know that you can order BULK items from the DOLLAR TREE Website? I didn't know that was even an option till a few years ago. After multiple trips to my local store, (trying to find more of one of my favorite storage solutions,) the cute gal at checkout asked me if I found everything that I was looking for? I, of course had to answer with a sarcastic No, and showed her the boxes I was after. She smiled and said that they always sell out quick but explained that I could order them in bulk on their website. Pretty sure my eyes got so big at learning that information that she could see inside my skull. As soon as I got home I did a deep dive on their website and placed an order that day! This might have been a risky thing for a craft supply hoarder like my self to find out, but oh boy did it help me get my craft supplies organized fast and cheap!

But for reals... if you have seen my workroom lately then it should come as no surprise that I take organizing my supplies seriously! My stash of beads, bits and bobbles can get a little overwhelming at times, but over the years I've figured out not only a logical way to store my supplies, but also a beautiful way! I firmly believe that my stash shouldn't be hidden away in a shame closet, but displayed proudly like an art installation.

Like many craft-a-holics I LOVE a good bead box, but I've recently discovered a few hidden gems at the Dollar Tree that I like even better! So when I found out I could order them in bulk on their website it was definitely a "take my money" situation!
What I Bought vs How I Used it

These clear acrylic drawers are perfect for organizing my button collection. I love being able to see the colors

Sure Fresh Mini Storage Containers with Lids.
Approximately 2"x 2", comes in 10-ct. packs.

These might be my favorite boxes for organizing my jewelry making supplies. Perfect for small beads & jewelry findings

These are amazing for storing all my brooches, bits and bobbles I use for making VINTAGE JEWELRY TREES

These boxes are my go-to when organizing various sewing notions: extra thread, elastic, bias tape, velcro etc.

These rectangle storage boxes are a great way to organize my larger supplies. Love that they stack easily and hold a lot!
These FIVE are just a small handful of items i've ordered from the DOLLAR TREE Website to help organize my craft supplies. To see a FULL LIST of DOLLAR TREE & Amazon Finds with Links check out my "ORGANIZING ORGANISM" page, and then grab your wallet because you are going to want to get a few of these ordered asap!
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